"A sexologist-psychologist or sex therapist is a specialist with a higher humanitarian education, with knowledge in the field of psychology and sexology. He/she is able to help people with many problems in interpersonal relationships and the sexual sphere: disharmony in intimate life, complexes and fears, age-related changes, increased or decreased sexual function, dissatisfaction and frigidity, anorgasmia and vaginismus, erectile dysfunction (impotence) in men of psychogenic genesis.

A sexology and relationship coach or a sexologist coach is a specialist who helps a client improve their intimate life or solve problems in relationships using coaching techniques and tools. A sexology coach together with the client forms a goal, and then the specialist guides the client in moving towards this goal.

Referring to a sexologist-psychologist (or simply a sexologist or sex therapist) or a sexology coach (relationship and family coach) will be effective if the following are excluded: cases

of clinical and organic disorders, because the causes of sexual disorders may be caused not by mental, but by physiological factors. In this case, it is worth contacting a sexologist or an endocrinologist" - Sexologist, Sex Therapist, Master of Psychology Oksana Izgoreva.


Typically, clients of a sexologist, sex therapist or coach-sexologist and relationship and family coach are:


  • people going through a life crisis, divorce, betrayal;
  • people with fears and complexes;
  • couples who have lost attraction to each other;
  • women with complaints about the lack of orgasm or the inability to experience it with a partner;
  • people who have conflicts in their relationships with their partner;
  • women and men with complaints about the inability to have sexual intercourse;
  • men suffering from erectile and ejaculation disorders or decreased libido;
  • women who need help in treating vaginismus and anorgasmia;
  • people who are troubled by sexual fantasies or unconventional manifestations;
  • parents who want to "correctly" prepare their children for sexual life, etc.
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Personal, family crises


  • feeling like you are an unhappy person;

  • often getting angry, crying, or self-harming;

  • decreased interest in work and previous hobbies;

  • increased conflicts in the family and with others;

  • suffering from loneliness or being in destructive relationships;

  • looking at the future without optimism.



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Dissatisfaction with intimate life


  • lack of desire;

  • painful sensations during sexual intercourse;

  • problems with erection and ejaculation;

  • sex has completely disappeared from the couple's life;

  • difficulties with achieving orgasm or its complete absence;

  • anorgasmia, vaginismus;

  • premature completion of sexual intercourse with the inability to satisfy the partner;

  • concerns about sexual fantasies and non-traditional manifestations.



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Anxiety, fears, complexes


  • post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD);
  • difficulties with establishing social contacts;
  • panic attacks;
  • obsessive thoughts;
  • expectation of failure;
  • excessive self-criticism;
  • unreasonable anxiety;
  • nervousness, trembling, sweaty palms;
  • health concerns.



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Conflicts in relationships

with a partner


  • lack of understanding;
  • frequent quarrels;
  • passion gone;
  • inability to perform sexual intercourse without using alcohol or drugs;
  • incompatibility, different sexual preferences with a partner;
  • jealousy, betrayal;
  • humiliation, blackmail.





Сексолог Оксана Ізгорева Сексолог / Коуч стосунків